CWF in Forbes

Posted by Samantha Zinnen on Monday, July 20th, 2015 at 12:00 pm - Permalink

The Center for Worker Freedom’s Matt Patterson wrote an article on July 17 in Forbes, highlighting a CWF exclusive video showing Dolores Huerta, the UFW co-founder, bullying a female worker. 

When the supposed champion of workers was asked why she was repeatedly shoving worker Silvia Lopez, she answered, “she knows why.” Patterson explains what Huerta intended by way of that comment:

“Indeed, Lopez does know why. Huerta helped create the union that demands 3 percent of Lopez’s pay, the union that is using its government enforcers at the ALRB to deny her her First Amendment freedoms of speech and assembly. The union that has – quite literally – disenfranchised her.

             Huerta is, in other words, the face of Silvia Lopez’s oppressor.”

Read the full article here