CWF in Forbes

Posted by Olivia Grady on Sunday, March 26th, 2017 at 10:54 pm - Permalink

Matt Patterson, Executive Director of the Center for Worker Freedom, had an article published in Forbes on March 26, 2017, about corruption in California’s labor board:

If one of the FBI’s priorities is still to “combat public corruption at all levels,” then it may want to look into California’s labor board.

During his first tenure as Golden State Governor in 1975, Jerry Brown established the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act (CALRA), and its administrative board the ALRB, in order to, “ensure peace in the fields of California by guaranteeing justice for all agricultural workers and stability in agricultural labor relations.”

Unfortunately, the ALRB has become an instigator of injustice for thousands of farm workers in the Central Valley and functions as enforcer for the United Farm Workers (UFW) union.  Meanwhile, Board positions are little more than plumb appointments that Brown — the once and current Governor — can award to his cronies and friends.

To read the entire article, please click here